Regulate your mindset in work and life!

This course is for people who have completed ‘Practicing Mindset Awareness’ and want to take charge of their mindset.

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Resilience skills learned and practiced over a time and space suitable for you!

This on demand course is designed to build or refresh your knowledge of Mindset regulation, for taking charge of your mindset and achieving success in any situation faced. The experience is 100% online and flexible, meaning it can be completed in your own time wherever you are in the world.

You should allow 75 minutes to complete it.
Image of laptop and ipad course mockup - Taking charge of your mindset

The following outcomes are all included…

  • Understanding the skill of 'self-regulation'

    Uncover what it means to self-regulate for increasing your Resilience.

  • Awareness of what’s limiting your current outcomes

    Identify how thoughts or beliefs are limiting your current outcomes.

  • Technique for regulating your mindset

    Learn and apply a practical and proven technique for taking charge of your mindset.

What people are saying about this course

Neville Pye

Material and Warehouse Operations Support

I am delighted that this opportunity came up. The timing was really convenient for me, as I was looking at my mindset and ways to change it. Being more aware of how I can change my own mindset, coupled with the tools I have been shown how to use, I will not find myself struggling with situations so much and getting overburdened with my emotions and the pressure I was placing on myself.

Elizabeth Garcia

Head of Manufacturing Quality

The timing for me doing this course could not have been better. I feel like I have reset myself and can control my thoughts and think about things with a positive outlook. Now I have the tools to help me through this testing time.

Seng Chew Chan

Group Assurance Manager

Have started to apply the skills during my workday. Every time I feel frustrated, I check-in with my mindset and work through how to change it up, applying the skills learned.

Have you experienced our 7 Day Resilience Bootcamp?

Arm yourself with the skills, tools & strategies to reach high Resilience in just 7 Days