Everything you need for optimal performance in the modern workplace!

  • Learn practical and proven skills for thriving during adversity, change or growth

  • Unlock Resilience alongside others, from anywhere in the world

  • Achieve the Australian Certification in Managing Personal Health and Wellbeing

Practical & Proven skills for you or your team!

Including techniques and tools for thriving during adversity, change or growth

  • Understanding your Resilience

    Master the ability to monitor your Resilience levels on a daily or situational basis for always being at your best!

  • Practicing Mindset Awareness

    Learn the impact of Mindset and practical Tools used by elite performers for applying self-awareness in any given moment.

  • Taking Charge of your Mindset

    Understand what it means to self-regulate and arm yourself with a technique for taking charge of your mindset.

  • Maintaining Optimal Self-care

    Uncover habits for optimal physical, emotional & social wellbeing, used by elite performers for thriving in any situation.

  • Being Mentally Agile

    Take immediate control of your perspective in any situation faced, including finding purpose and action through change.

Unlock Resilience alongside others, from anywhere!

Resilience skills learned and practiced over a time and space suitable for you

  • Takes approx. 8 hours to complete over 7 working days, with bitesize learning and application throughout! (Min. 1 hr / day should be allocated).
  • Participate and share your learning journey alongside your colleagues or others from across the globe, all starting and ending the course together.
  • Drop into the course and participate at any time of day suitable to your schedule or time zone, from any computer or device (phone, tablet).
  • Around 1 hour of interactive learning content and the remaining 7 hours are all about ‘doing’ and exploring Resilience behaviours back in your work and daily life.
  • Expert coaching and support throughout – this is a fully-facilitated digital learning experience (not self-paced eLearning!). 

Trusted by 2,500+ customers worldwide

Awarding the Australian Accreditation in Managing Personal Health & Wellbeing!

This Australian Government Certification is available to people across the globe who complete 100% of Ripen's 7 day Resilience online training. Proof of positively influencing thinking, feelings and day-to-day actions!

This is a Nationally Recognised Accreditation in Australia, so carries weight as a Certification on any global CV. It is proof you or your team are gaining practical self-leadership skills for the modern workplace.
about ripen

Arm yourself or your team with the skills, tools & strategies to reach high Resilience in just 7 Days!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does a ‘Resilience Bootcamp’ involve?

    Personal Resilience is about having healthy and adaptive ways to overcome setbacks and persist in the pursuit of your goals. It’s needed for facing daily challenges at work and life’s inevitable hardships.

    ‘It’s not about learning a lesson, it’s about practicing a lesson!’

    This is a digital learning experience where the focus is on becoming Resilient, not just getting told what Resilience is. All learning is delivered in bitesize chunks, including content that is easily digestible around a full-time workload. Some activities require the application of skills or techniques back ‘on-the-job‘. These are completed as part of your normal day-to-day work and awareness rather than adding another task to your plate. Each time you learn a skill or tool, you will be given time to go away and practice it and reflect on how it can assist you, before moving on.

    This includes sharing some of your experiences from practicing the tools in a community discussion, and creating a personalised Resilience plan for yourself to maintain your Resilience long after the course ends!

    The course can be completed by individuals and teams operating across different locations and time zones, around any full-time or part-time schedule, and accessed from any internet enabled computer or device (phone, tablet).

  • How long will it take to complete?

    Once you’ve enrolled in the course, you can start straight away and learn based on the 7 Day schedule we’ve set at enrolment, or at your own pace over a longer timeframe.

    Course completion takes approx. 8 hours of effort. This includes around 1 hour of interactive learning content. The other 7 hours or so is all about ‘doing’ and exploring Resilience behaviours, techniques and tools for navigating situations you are facing now, and into the future. Practical elements of the course are completed as part of your normal day-to-day work and awareness, for learning to apply Resilience skills ‘on-the-job’ in real world situations, maximising your learning outcomes. You will also learn from the shared experiences and perspectives of others you are learning alongside e.g. from your team, your organisation, or others working in your industry and beyond.

  • Do I have to complete the course over 7 Days?

    The course is structured around ‘7 modules’ of learning, and we’ve designed the learning to be completed in the best way possible for building optimal Resilience around any work schedule. The fastest time frame you can complete the course is over 7 Days so you can benefit from practical application of the Resilience skills and tools. We will send you daily notifications and progress emails based on the 7 Day experience. However, you can complete the course (all 7 modules) over a longer timeframe and Extended course schedules are available for business critical teams.

    We recommend you plan for at least 1 hour of effort per day, and block time out in your diary around your other commitments - ideally at times of the day you are energised for learning!

    Our expert support team is on hand throughout your learning journey with Ripen. Should unforeseen circumstances mean you need longer to complete the course, you will have on demand access to complete over a longer timeframe.

    Reach out in advance if you have any questions. 😊

  • Can I cram the course learning into 1 or 2 Days?

    The course content is not designed to be crammed in less than 7 Days. Our 7 Day Resilience online training has been tried and tested with great success for organisations, teams and individuals from 30+ countries. We just require you to allow for a minimum of 8 hours of effort over 7 working days to get the practical and proven benefits of the course. This includes joining in community discussions where you'll share your experiences applying the tools and benefit from learning from others. 💬🗨️

  • How do I know when myself or my team have completed?

    You can see your course progress at any time when logged into the Ripen Learning platform. If you are enrolling your team then we will provide progress updates on a team and individual basis as training is happening, and provide post-course reporting on wellbeing and outcomes achieved for proving the Return-on-investment (ROI)!

    100% Completion of all coursework is required to be awarded a Certificate of Completion and the Accreditation. This involves working through all lessons and materials, including all interactive learning content and videos and being willing to share in community discussions. Completing the course activities provides the evidence required for attaining the Australian Accreditation.

  • How is the Resilience Certificate and Accreditation awarded?

    Your Resilience Certificate will be provided upon 100% completion of all learning elements. This will be emailed to you and available for downloading in the course, and will have your name and date of completion included.

    The assessment and awarding of the Australian Accreditation is conducted through Ripen's strategic partnership with a leading Registered Training Organisation (RTO), who assess and award an Australian Certification. Meaning your Certification is stored safely under the strictest Australian government protocols for privacy and authenticity across the globe.

  • How does this Training and the Accreditation help my career?

    ‘Personal Resilience’ is now in the Top 10 Job skills employers are seeking!

    Wellbeing is the outcome of being resilient, and is a strong predictor of workplace performance such as job satisfaction, productivity and safety. As such, employers are now prioritising workforce wellbeing and they are eager to hire and promote people who can demonstrate an ability to manage personal health and wellbeing at work.

    By completing this training you will have learned a proven Resilience Toolkit. You will also be awarded the Australian Accreditation in Managing Personal Health and Wellbeing, which is a Nationally Recognised Certification in Australia so carries weight as a Certification on any global CV. Adding this Accreditation to your resume will impress employers, giving your job and career prospects a lifelong boost! 📜

  • Do I have to be an Australian Resident or Citizen?

    No! Non-AU Residents and Non-AU Citizens can enrol and benefit from our proven Resilience online training and attain the Australian Accreditation. This is a Nationally Recognised Accreditation in Australia, so carries weight as a Certification on any global CV.

    Our Resilience online training has boosted the wellbeing, performance and career outcomes of people and teams in 30+ countries and multiple languages! 😎

  • What happens if myself or my team don’t finish the course?

    Our Resilience online training has >95% completion rate, and 100% of people who complete the course report increased wellbeing and coping skills! That’s because the course provides practical Resilience boosting skills and activities, shared community learning and the support of others, and a career boosting Accreditation for those who complete!

    What's more, after you’ve enrolled you will be sent all the information and support you or your team need for reaching the finish line. This includes instructions and guidance for getting the most from the learning, reminders and community discussions for staying accountable, and support of an expert facilitation team for ensuring progress.

    You only have access to the Ripen facilitation team and opportunity to claim your Accreditation for the duration of the course you've enrolled in. But regardless of course completion, everyone enrolled gets 12 months access meaning you can benefit from the learning and tools at any time! 👌

The following benefits are all included...

Enrol for a Nationally Recognised Accreditation

Boost performance and add the Australian Accreditation in Managing Personal Health and Wellbeing to your global CV or Team's development goals. This is a Nationally Recognised Australian Accreditation you can be proud to showcase to others!
Image with thumbs up which says accreditation

Access to our Resilience Alumni Community

Learn from examples and experiences of your colleagues and other professionals across the globe who are practising and applying the skills and tools for mastering Personal Resilience. The benefits of social learning without needing to be face-to-face, on the same schedule or in the same time zone!
Image of graduation caps in the air with the words Alumni

Feedback from leading Resilience Coaches

Expert coaching and support throughout. This is a fully-facilitated social learning experience, not self-paced eLearning! Receive practical feedback and encouragement from leading Resilience Coaches as you navigate the course and apply the Resilience Toolkit. We’ve trained 2,500+ teams in 30+ countries!
Image of person's hand writing at a desk with a computer with the words Feedback

Course schedule and effort

We specialise in working with remote or hybrid teams and individuals across the globe, delivering a practical and proven experience that is 100% online and flexible, without the need for being 'live'.

The course learning is completed and applied around any work schedule, wherever you are in the world, while still learning alongside others!
Matt Hughes is a leading Resilience Expert and the Principal at Ripen

What people are saying about this course

Natalie Klak

Team Leader

It was helpful to be introduced to the theory, hear some examples, and then jump straight into the practical work! I'm very action-oriented so LOVED that I could apply these new skills right then and there! The facilitation and support delivered has been the best I have ever received in ANY course. In my mind the level of one-on-one attention, support and guidance far exceeded what I would have reasonably expected to receive in face-to-face group learning.

Kath Philp

Partnering & Innovation Manager

This has been the most practical, engaging, and inspirational course I have completed in many years. Learning these simple techniques that build on one another or can be used in isolation has the power to change how you interact with the world around you. I definitely feel like a much stronger and more resilient person for completing this course, and I know how to stay that way! Thank you.

Don Hudspeth

Acting Station & Field Operations Manager

I've been physically and emotionally challenged by work stress and exhaustion so simple immediate tools to reset have been a godsend. This course has been so powerful because it’s a blueprint for managing how we approach not just work, but life ! Thank you!

Kiran Hajos

HR Director ANZ

This has been an amazing program - one of those ones that will stay with me in the long term - the ease and simple tools are great and I know have strong psychology theory sitting behind them.

Jason Tong

Warehouse Manager

The thing that surprised me the most was the immediate results I could feel just from applying a few of the simple tools learnt. The course relates with your everyday struggles - mentally, physically and emotionally and how I can manage them more effectively.

Russell Coughlan

State Sales Manager

I am about to start a new role and now I have a clear action plan that will help me approach it. Most importantly I have more self-belief, value and worth than I did a week ago.

Bobbi Pertini

Manager, People Culture & Safety

The content and benefit of the course was excellent and great value for money. Interactive and the discussion forums were excellent!

Melinda Warda

Intelligence Analyst

The resilience training is at the forefront of my mind every day. I use the tools to check in with my emotions and behaviour, I self-regulate and challenge my limiting beliefs and I utilize self-care techniques and ensure I am following my Resilience Action Plan. The resilience concepts and techniques have really resonated with me and I feel that I can easily implement them moving forward. Thank you!

Sue San Goh

Head of Marketing International & Singapore

Matt's explanation and examples were spot on and easy to understand and he's a really engaged coach making sure he personalised his comments to each and every individual. It feels like consulting a mind expert who often checks in with me for the entire 7 days! This course has prepared us to navigate the unknown by preparing us to be future-ready.

Paul Forsyth

State Field Business Manager

This course has very systematically embedded some wonderful new skills, behaviours, processes and tools to make me a more effective manager and an even better person. I am truly grateful for the experience to participate.

Optimal Resilience, guaranteed!

Our commitments when you enrol yourself or your team

ripen Satisfaction Guarantee

  • Resilience skills and tools based on proven research in psychology and human endurance. 
  • Structured learning with instructions and guidance for getting the most from the experience, with reminders and motivational boosts for ensuring course completion.
  • A Resilience Action Plan and Toolkit for maintaining optimal Resilience long after the course experience has ended. 
  • A ‘Resilience Certificate’ as proof of Resilience at work training, when 100% course completion is achieved. 
  • Awarded the Australian Accreditation in Managing Personal Health and Wellbeing, upon completion of required coursework. 
  • Ongoing access to the course content via our Resilience Academy portal, for you to continually refresh your skills.
  • Enrolment in our Resilience Alumni, for receiving additional tips and tools for monitoring and maintaining your Resilience long after the course ends.

Arm yourself or your team with the skills, tools & strategies to reach high Resilience in just 7 Days!